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Dik Doank: National Evocation of Non Merely Symbol

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Indonesian Actress Popular. Jakarta - Today just with the commemoration 100 year of National Evocation. Dik Doank remending of so that to be this momentum non merely merely symbol " Our is spirit of equal to commemorate 100 year of National Evocation. This non merely just just device and symbol," Dik talk in Building ESQ, Walke The TB Simatupang, Jakarta South arch, Tuesday (20/5/2008).

complete Name owner of Raden Rizki Mulyawan Kertanegara Hayang Fine this Kusuma surprise why a lot of more state go forward than Indonesia. Though, Indonesia independence in advance " Progress there is, but the resignment of also a lot of. I surprise why other;dissimilar state more go forward. For me fifth principle of Five Principles, once Islam. But, in reality oppositely;also a lot of no justice," say of birth artist this 21 September 1968.(one)

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