Actress Popular Indonesian. Jakarta - Workdload of Catherine Wilson as model and presenter do not withdraw its step widen wing in business world. She nowadays prepare the cafe business in Bandung "Besides modelling, presenter, and syuting, now again open the effort cafe in Bandung. But, hitherto not yet there is its name," word of Catherine moment met in Picturesque Gold Garden Road;Street of III Number 7, Beautiful Maisonette, Jakarta South arch, Saturday (19/7/2008) beautiful Virgin desire of birth Jakarta, 25 of Februari 1981 this merambah business laying open of as invesment in] old day "everybody Kan nope there is satisfy the nya, sure is I still existing pengen more than. But, this also for the invest of in future.
Even previously have owned the same business, that is a cafe in Bandung, but model the this English clan remain to chosen the that Flower town as its effort farm "I chosen the Bandung of because is over there chilled, nicely also its temperature. in essence its Prospect nicely," word of owner of 666 cafe that
Its plan, new cafe that founded by Catherine with its friends will be managed by a one or the other its friend "Frankly I have no the basic business, become to wait managing my friend. But now I again learn also.(one).
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